Thursday, August 13, 2009

ION orchard

Yesterday i meet up with kenneth and merina to go ION orchard to have a walk. The place is so big and we took some photo. I wanna upload the photo but due to blogger error i can only write do when we did at ION but don't worry i will try to upload the photo asap when im free. There are many level in ION from B4 all the way to level 4 are shop and from level 5 to level 8 are carparks. Is find that ION is abit boring starting from level 1 cos level 1 to level 4 are all high end fashion shop. After we finish our walk in IOn the 3 of us when to far east to walk around at about 6pm++ merina has to go home cos she could not stay out too late so left me and kenneth. At around 8pm+ me and kenneth went to the saki sushi at cineleisure to have our dinner. After dinner we walk our way to dhoby ghuat to take mrt home.

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