Friday, February 26, 2010

Got sting by a stupid bee

This is damn freaky scary that got me creep out.
I got sting by a bee while i was sleeping. I don't even know why did thing the stupid bee sting me on my thigh while i'm sleeping. Is around 11am++ and i'm still sleeping on my bed then i feel that some thing bite or sting my thigh so i got up and look at my bed. What i saw got my creep out it was a bee about 1cm++ big lor. At first i thought it was a beetle so i went to get a scissor to pick it up and have a good look at that thing that was on my bed. OH MY GOD when i look carefully it was a BEE!!!!

Is so freaky lor why did the bee have to sting me???
I really have no idea lor!!
My bed have no flower design or flower smell. I'm thinking maybe this bee is blind lor it think that my thigh look like flower or maybe this bee never see befor flower lor. I'm really afraid of bees and this incident make me even more afraid of bees lor. It got me so freak out that i call my mum for help and when she hear what i say she started laughing and i told her is not funny my thigh is swelling lor.

Happy 1 years old!!

Happy 1 Years Old!!
You must be think why did i say happy 1 years old right? haha today is my blog 1 years old. Last year the same date 26 feb i started writing my blog out of fun. I know i didn't write much things in my blog but over this 1 year alot of things happen. Is interesting writing blog just that my blog is damn damn boring that is ok cos i dun really have to care what you all think about my blog. I hope i can go on writing my blog as long as i like. i don't wanna go on blah blah blah any more cos is BORING lor. I will not say sorry to what i did and say just to get my job back!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Family reunion on chinese new year

Went to my aunt for family reunion.

They are play cards. i don't join them to play game cos i don't know how to play card game.

That day lunch menu is buffet.

Look at my aunt eatting so quietly.

This cute baby that my mum is holding her name is christelle our new family member.

She is my aunt's grandchild.

She look a little moody cos she hadn't eaten her meal.

Ok now she is having her meal.

After her meal she look happy.

searching for her pretty mummy.

Again my mum. that is my cousin son.

See how big his eyes is? so cute lor.
The cute little girl beside him is his older sister.

My mum she is always smiling so happily.

This is my cousin he is my 4th aunt 2nd son.

My dad and uncle chatting. My uncle is always very funny and he look like jack neo.
see all the decoration that is on the door.

The lady in black top and pink skirt is my aunt. Those 2 very pretty girls are her daughter.
Guest what they are doing at the kitchen?

They are looking at this big fat guinea-pig.
My aunt is givening away this guinea-pig cos my cousin she bought this guniea-pig and now she is married no time to take care. My aunt she need to work have no time to tack care too.
So if you like guinea-pig and you are interested to get this fat guinea-pig? please tag me at my blog tag box i will get all the information of this guinea-pig asap.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy chinese new year & Valentine Day!!!




Today is chinese new year and valentine day. This year is tiger year.
Tomorrow will go to my aunt house for reunion. I will update about it on wednesday or thursday when i have the time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

new clothes

Yesterday went out with sweetheart to shop clothing for cny but at the end i only bought a short jeans.

Sweetheart bought me a tee for animal but i'm not going to wear it on cny. i will wear this tee during the thailand trip with sweetheart cos he got the same tee too.

Bought this short jeans from This Fashion cos of the cute design that was infront of the jean.

The back of the jeans look normal.

very cute design love it. i'm going to wear this short together with the tee.

getting rotten soon

My blog is getting rotten soon if i don't update soon.

I bought a camera about 2 weeks ago wanna update about it but too lazy to do so.

Canon Digital IXUS 95IS.

This the free gift they give me a Mini tripod, muiti memory card reader and an extra battery.

Went to the ncentral with sweetheart. Had dinner at "man jia le" i had a blow of fired chicken cutlet curry rice, a cup of "yuan yang" (coffee + tea) and a blow of soup.

My "yun yang" (coffee + tea)

fired Chicken cutlet curry rice.
It make my tummy real full after the meal.
Then around 11pm+ meet up with esther, ah kim and donna cos that day is esther birthday.
when clubbing with them. It was my 1st time going clubbing it was damn fun.
Esther the bday girl. See what my sweetheart kenneth is do? He so naughty lol.

Making funny face.

Possing funny.

Ghostly look.

Esther and her friend cammie

We went into Rebel to dance.

Lost of fun dacning in there.
Cammie and ah kim playing kiss kiss. ah kim look like damn high to kiss by cammie.
Cammie and i. she is a very fun and happening girl.
That day was real fun and we all dance till 3am.