Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chinese Teacher Beats Student & Throwing Her Off Building

A history teacher in China's Hunan Province beats a student with a metal rod, knocking out some teeth, and then throwing her out of the classroom window off the fourth floor of the school. Omg i can not believ that a teacher will such horrifying thing to a 11 year old kid.


Yesterday when out with my sweetheart kenneth. We went to chinatown to meet his friend then we walk to internet cafe to play online games. Kenneth n his friend play dota i surfnet cos i don't like to play dota. We spent about 2 hours in the internet cafe and it just cost $2.80. After that the 3 of us went to chinatown complex to have dinner me and kenneth have claypot rice. The claypot rice is super nice and tasty i love to eat claypot rice and this is the very 1st time i have claypot rice in chinatown. After dinner we went to farrer park 1st we go to mustafa to see iphone cos kelvin lao da say he wanna buy iphone so ask me go mustafa to help him check the price. Iphone is super X lor cost $1000+++ for 16gb lor i call kelvin and tell him the price after that he hear the price he got so scare and change his mind of getting a iphone liao. Then we went to city square walk walk around 10pm++ we took mrt home.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moive with my sweetheart

Yesterday meet my sweetheart kenneth to watch movie. Around noon time i when to kenneth house to play. We play till about 3pm then go take bus to serangoon to take mrt to plaza singapura to watch gamer. Gamer was not a really nice movie to watch in my point of view but maybe to the guys gamer is a nice movie.

Kelvin lao da

On 14/9 night is had supper with Kelvin he is my supervise when working but i like to call him lao da. Around 9.30pm kelvin lao da came to my work place to find me cum settle the stock ordering and many more. Around 10pm to walk to the bus-stop to that bus 27 to sengkang cos he stay at sengkang to eat supper. On the way to the bus-stop he ask me what i would like to eat and i told him any thing, we walk pass a roti prata shop and he ask me wanna eat roti prata and i say ok. Guess what he say? He say "no i can't treat you eat roti prata as supper cos you are my friend." I told him is ok i don't mind having roti prata as supper but keep say can not. We got up bus 27 and we saw chris a stuff that work in the same location with me so kelvin when to talk to her. When the bus reach sengkang we 2 got down the bus and walk to the coffee shop he told me that he will treat me eat zhu chao (zhi cah). We order a plate of fried rice, hotplate tofu and hotplate beef. During the supper we chat about all kind of things and lao da told me that he worked in all kind of place befor. The every 1st job he worked as is a cleaner when he was 15 years old now he is 27 years old during this 12 years he change alot of job. Then i also tell him about all the job i worked and this is my 9th job. He told me "you are still young 1 day you will sure find the job that is suitable for you so don't be discourage must jia you and work hard." After supper he walk me to the bus-stop to take bus home on the way to the bus-stop he told me he is going to bring to some where to sell me away. HAHAHA that was funny cos people always tell me this joke when i was kid and now he told me such a funny joke lor.

The next day 15/9 lao da came to my work to train me how to sell the products and what to say and explain this to the customers. I learn lots of things from what lao da has teach me. Around 5pm+ lao da has leave and go to company dinner when he was talk to his mum i put the birthday gift that i wanna give him in his bag. Then he company me go eat dinner he never eat just look at me eat cos later he will he having dinner with the other stuff in the company.

Lao da i know your birthday is on the 16th and today is 17th but i still wanna wish you HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY!!!!! May all your wish come true and thank you for all the happy you have given to me. Friend forever!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

don't make me angry!!

As i started my new job as a fan promoter i find that is not that easy when i was working as a telephone promoter. I have a competitor that move faster then me and sell their products better then me :( i know she is an old bird in sale job she worked longer then me but i will try must best and fight with her and get more customer to buy my products.

I damn angry on tue there is this asshole customer he came to buy fan i wasted about 30min serving him. i sereved him till i wanna kick his ass. 1st he compara the price, then the strongness of the wind after that he wanna compara the size of the boxes. he told me to bring the boxes of the 2 fan he was comparing at so i bring over to him. he started comparing the size of the boxes and guess what he told me he say " why the box so heavy? i come here alone i can't carry such a big box of fan home." I was like wth u want? he is a 40++years old can't he carry a 3kg++ box of fan? Wtf lor im a girl and i can carry the box of fan why he can't carry it. Then he asked me "don't you find the box heavy? cos i have to carry it all the way home by myself." I was like huh? you such a big man can't you carry a 3kg++ things home diao lor. -_-" So i asked him "if you really think that you could not carry the box home why not get the home delivery service." he asked "is it free delivery?" No delivery charge is $29.90 and guess what he say? He say "huh must well i go buy another fan! aiya i carry home myself better." Hahaha see he can carry and he still wanna say so many shit thing lor. Hello people if you not a handicap or a 80 or 90++ years old folks you sure can carry a 3kg++ box what why must spend your time talking rubbish things and say you can't carry a 3kg++ item by yourself when you really can carry it???

There are some more customer that say even more stupid thing that will make you vomit blood lor. Example a customer wanted a fan that have strong wind so i show the strong wind fan and guess what the customer say? "wah so strong wind ar i don't want such strong wind. get a softer wind one." Ok show the softer wind one and the customer say " so soft ar." Then after a round of stupid blah blah talk the customer buy the strong wind fan. Please lor make up your mind and think properly lor cos if you do that kind of things you are wasting your time and also my time i have other customers to serve not just you alone lor. So people don't waste your time and also the promoter time if you don't really wanted to buy thing ok???

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I found this great website on iweeky and went to try out the fun of photo editing. Everything is so easy just click it if don't like the way it turn out just undo the step. Is more easy then using photoshop to edit photo. I have been using this site to edit some of my photo for a few months.

  • Fix your photos in just one click
  • Use advanced controls to fine-tune your results

  • Crop, resize, and rotate in real-time

  • Tons of special effects, from artsy to fun

  • Astoundingly fast, right in your browser

  • Awesome fonts and top-quality type tool

  • Basketfuls of shapes from hand-picked designers
  • Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • No download required, nothing to install

All this for free! Want more?
Upgrade toPicnik Premium for only $24.95 a year!

Just go into the website to get more information

Ok show you a sample usin my mum photo.

Befor editing.

After editing.

I make her look a few years younger. Wanna know how to do it just go to the website a slowly try out then u will konw how.

photo update

The cute photo that i took at bishan mrt station.
i ask my mum to act cute in the photo.

Me and my kenneth honey :D