Monday, May 4, 2009

My computer sian liao!!!

Die liao la!!! My computer abit siao siao liao don't know what really happen. All i know is my computer monitor stop working and whenever i restart my computer the monitor will show me the same words "No Signal" then i try again and again to restart my computer and it did got back to normal so i shut down my computer. Today it happen again i try to restart for few hour and it got back to normal and i went to play facebook but one hour later it happen again and this time i can't get my computer back to normal. So sad i just bought my computer for about less than a year. Haha i guess you guys that are reading my blog right now will be wondering how come my computer breakdown and i could still updating my blog cos last month my mum bought a laptop for my sis so now im using her laptop but all my important document are all in my computer so i have to find some one to fix my computer. I asked Kenneth over to see if he could help me fix it but no use he can't help me so i need to find a pro to fix my computer. Hai..... super sian ar!!!!!!

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