Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 March

On sunday i went out shopping with my mum and sis. We went to Marine Square to have our lunch. After lunch we shopping around to look at clothes and thinking of buying some clothes but at the end we did not buy. Then we walk to Suntec. At Suntec we saw sign board that say's "warehouse sales price starting from $2.90 onward at level 2" so we went up to have a look. At the sales their was so my people buying things but we did not find thing that we like so we leave the sale. At Suntec we shop around till about 6pm. We board mrt on the mrt we talk about some funny jokes. My mum started laughing non stop.

She keep laughing non stop.

Then some thing happen. Some saliva came out her mouth and drip on the floor.
OMG this is so disgusting how can she do that.

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