Thursday, January 7, 2010

HAPPY 2010!


Today is 7 January 2010 the 7th day of 2010. Is 2010 a new year should make some wish so here is what i wish for:

- this year is a better year for me in work. As in the past few years after i graduate from ite i can't get a permanent job that i can work long in. It is like 1 year i change 2-3 jobs at the end i'm jobless.

- to slim down a little so that i have more choice in buying clothing .

- The new shopping mall at serangoon central can faster complete cos i hear that there will move the courts at tampines mall to the new mall at serangoon central.

- every month can hit my sale target so that i can keep my job.

- a happy year with my sweetheart kenneth love him alot.

- to meet up more with my girls friend cos of my work i can't meet up with them on weekend. I miss them alot.

- earn more money.

- be more happy and not emo too much.

- the fat pig manager can disappear forever cos i super hate her.

- all my friend, family, sweetheart and me happy, healthy and lucky.

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