Thursday, November 5, 2009

Work like hell

I start to hate the work location that i work in. I hate the store manger he is a Sxxxer only know how to talk and listen to what the stupid fat pig say. I hate the stupid fat pig manger she is like killer bxxxx. She always like to use her fxxxing ass hole mouth to say " move move move!!! move all your stock to the storeroom!!!" or " I want to cut your ordering, you have order too many things." What the fxxxing hell!! I order thing that is needed and she cut my order how i'm going to work on like this!!! Like this i have nothing much to sell to the customer!! She so Xtra!! like a fat pig so useless!! Feel like kicking her out through the windoor and let her get smash up by a car. I feel like i'm work in the hell no matter how much things i sell i still can't hit the 16K sale target lor. HATE IT!!! in order to hit the stupid sale target i must sell a total of 22K to hit the 16K target cos must cut the GST cost, cut the cost of returning the faulty set and ect.ect.. thing lor. I'm really angry of things that the stupid fat pig say i feel like punching and kicking her big fat ass face. Please lor if my ordering get cut how i'm going to hit target must well go and die la!!! Bullshit every thing is bullshit how i'm ever going to hit the target working in such a sxxxie store. You tell me la!!!! Fxxx you la you big fat pig you are a bxxxx!!
Lastly i hate you shxxxan you are a fxxxing sxxxer alway buy coffee for the useless pig. I think when she fart you will run over and smell her fart and tell her how nice and sweet her fart smell like. Shxxxan you are a bullshit and what you talk are shit and you have ass hole face.

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