Sunday, October 11, 2009

just work and sleep

Now is 1:37am tml i still have to work but i really hate going to work cos is damn sian lor. Everyday have put on a smile to serve customer even they don't mean to buy your product and only asking for fun lor. Some customer not only come to ask things for fun just also wanna make people angry some time i feel like slaping their mouth and ask them "do you wanna buy not if don't then get lost". I really hate that kelvin lao da always say "must hit the sale target!" How to hit target when customer are so cheap-po asking for cheap price, ask for free gift, ask got any discount price. Please lor is already not promotion price still ask can discount more? Go eat shit la you think what market arh buy vegetable can get chilli or spring onion is it please la don't be so cheap-po aunt la!!! I really wanna hit my sale target but could you don't give me so many stress? I'm trying my best liao the more stress i have the more i hate to go work.


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