Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dinner in Manpuku japanese gourmet town

Last sunday i met up with esther and meiying to go shopping. 1st i meet esther to take bus 87 to go bedok then go bedok meet meiying. The 3 of us took the free shutter bus to parkway to shop around then we took the same free shutter bus back to bedok to took bus tampines 1. We went into manpuku to have dinner The 3 of us bought omelette rice.
The Manpuku card inside the card have money. We use the card to buy food and drinks after the meal have to return the card to the cashier and make the payment befor leaving.
Every group of guess will a sign stand take say "reserved" just leave it on the table and remember where you are sited.
My fried prawn omelette rice.

Taste nice.

Fried prawn waaa i like it!

wooow yummy fried prawn. yum,yum,yum!!
See how happy the 2 of them are. hehehe the food really taste nice lol.
See meiying till her hand when up high.

This is my plate of omelette rice i finish all. My stomach got really full.

This is esther plate of omelette rice. She could not finish it and leave 1/4 of omelette rice.
I love the decoration in the restaurant is really nice feel just like in japan but the place we sitted is infront of the windoor and the opposite is HDB flat make it look so sian lol.

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