Monday, June 15, 2009

What is going on?

After a sleepless night i finally close my eyes and sleep at 6am in the morning but not for long cos i 1.30pm have to work so i wake up at 10.30am. The whole day i feel tired and sleepy. This 2 days weekend there are not much customer cos many of them when down to suntec to look at the PC Show. There was a few customer i remember what the say like there is this customer he asked "Is this uniden phone on sales?" i told him is not on sales then he asked "Is not on sales and the phone can still out of stock, wa $149 leh!" so i told him this phone is a very good phone cos the sound is clear and is 5.8 ghz alot of customer like this phone. Then he say " too expensive liao i don't want so expensive phone i want a cheaper phone." So i show him the $39 phone and he say "so cheap will spoil last long not?". Walao i feel like slaping him expensive don't want cheap also don't want so ma fan lor. Last night at about 9pm something happen at the megastore. Someone press the fire alarm don't know is it for fun or what 5 minute later the the shutte came down lock the lift, escalator and the travalator. Everyone is locked at the 3rd level some of the customers rush to the cashier counter ask them what have happen and some customer started scolding the cashier stuff. The customers look really angry after 20 minute the shutter was open but the customers still in the store walking around don't even wanted leave the building. Is so weird.

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