Monday, June 29, 2009

Last day at courts

Yesterday was my last day working in courts megastore. I been working at there for 2 and the half months or this few month i learn alot of this and make alot friends over there. I wanted to upload there photo but i don't really know what is the problem that i could not upload any photo in my blog. I wanted to thank's tumadi, sulaimi, ahmad, cavin, sufan haha i don't really know if i spell sufan name correctly, marielle and any more other friend and stuff there. You all help me alot when i have things that i don't know you all will give my the help i needed. Really thank's you guys for helping me. When ever i'm free i will go to courts to chat with you guys.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Really damn lazy to update!!!

Ok start by updating thing on the 15 june then slowly let you know what happen to me for the pass 1 week.

15 June Monday

Noon time i meet eliza at 3pm but i was late so change the time to 4pm. We meet at bugis cos i wanted to buy a new bag. Shoped around and i bought the bag that i like after that we went to sim lim square to walk walk. At sim lim we went to the food court to buy some things to eat after that we walk around in sim lim. At the 3rd or 4th level we pass by a shop saw a woman looked so angry keep on taking photo using her handphone at first we thought that she was a customer but then we a wrong she rented a small space to sell handphone outside the shop. She keep taking photo the stuff came out from the shop ask her why did she take photo and she say "I got pay rent! why i can't i sell my things here! you don't let me sell my things here so i take photo of your shop and all the stuff!". Then the stuff say " want to take photo right! ok! take me! take me! i let you take me!!!". She took the photo of the stuff a few minute later a group of security came. They start asking the lady why are you taking photo here and she took them take she pay rent but the shop stuff don't let her sell her things but the security don't listen to what she say they push away all her thing. The lady took the security photo. They push the lady and ask her hand over her phone but she shout and she got slap by the security they bit her infront the crowd and they fight the lady husband wanted to save her but was stoped by the security. The lady shout for help and ask the crowd to call police for her but no one dare to call they just see the fight. the lady hold phone tight infront her chest and the security keep touching her and wanted to ght the phone from her. The lady keep on shouting "don't touch me!! don't touch me!! how can you touch me!!!" They push her on to the floor and she kick them away. It look so drama just like a movie everyone stoped and look. After a while the lady ran to toilet then every thing stop. The lady husband call the police about 10 minutes later the police came but the mess was all clear up, the the shop left 1 lady stuff the rest of the stuff and security she not there they all was gone. Maybe you think that this incident was so drama ya it was and eliza got frighten it make her feel a little sick after that.

16 June Tuesday

When i reach my work place i to serve that customer he ask me if could try to liten the sample phone to see which one is louder so he startde calling his wife at the other side of the store look for phone too. After while he decide to buy 11 phones but he wanted to test each and every phone to see if it work after all the testing of the phone he ask if i could give him any dicount cos he bought 11 phone so i when to ask the manager and he allow to give them 5% dicount on the phone. I waited in the Q at the cashier counter with the customer then he ask me what time i work, why did i work part-time and if im intersted to work in his company? He gave me his company namecard and told me to email my resume to him. He told me that i was a good pomoter help him to test each and every phone, waited in the Q with him ans his wife just to tell the cashier to give them a 5% discount and pack all the phones into the bag for them. After the left i took out the namecard and see. Woww that customer i serve was the executive director of the company. So i decided that next day i will email my resume to him.

17 June Wednesday

I waked up early in the morning did some update in my resume and email out as soon as im done will the update. After a few hours they call me up and tell me to go down for an interview the next day.

18 June Thursday

I wake up very early get chagen and read for the interview. On the way there i feel a little nervous for the interview as im thinking what should the say to the interviewer. I reach there about 3o minutes early. They told me to fill up the application form when i was filling my form i saw that day the customer he look at me smile and nod his head so i smiled back to him and nod my head. During the interview every when so well and good they told me to start work on the 1st of july.

Ok i think that is all i have to write cos the rest of three days was damn boring. I told each and every friend in courts that i work with that i leaving soon they feel sad but wished me all the best in my new job. I hope that after 3 months of job prbation i could continue to work in the company cos i really hate to keep on looking for a new job.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What is going on?

After a sleepless night i finally close my eyes and sleep at 6am in the morning but not for long cos i 1.30pm have to work so i wake up at 10.30am. The whole day i feel tired and sleepy. This 2 days weekend there are not much customer cos many of them when down to suntec to look at the PC Show. There was a few customer i remember what the say like there is this customer he asked "Is this uniden phone on sales?" i told him is not on sales then he asked "Is not on sales and the phone can still out of stock, wa $149 leh!" so i told him this phone is a very good phone cos the sound is clear and is 5.8 ghz alot of customer like this phone. Then he say " too expensive liao i don't want so expensive phone i want a cheaper phone." So i show him the $39 phone and he say "so cheap will spoil last long not?". Walao i feel like slaping him expensive don't want cheap also don't want so ma fan lor. Last night at about 9pm something happen at the megastore. Someone press the fire alarm don't know is it for fun or what 5 minute later the the shutte came down lock the lift, escalator and the travalator. Everyone is locked at the 3rd level some of the customers rush to the cashier counter ask them what have happen and some customer started scolding the cashier stuff. The customers look really angry after 20 minute the shutter was open but the customers still in the store walking around don't even wanted leave the building. Is so weird.

Sleepless night

13/06/09 after 12am is already 14/06/09

Im playing online game with my sister till about 1am i got tired and when to sleep my sister go on playing. i don't know why i just can't sleep i close my eyes turn here and there many time on my bed but i just can't fall a sleep. I open my eyes look at the close is 2.30am but sleep can't sleep so i started thinking what did i eat or drink that make me can't fall a sleep? I remember i had 2 cup of ice lemon tea during dinner time but i have just 2 small cup of it only??? I had drink a botter of ice lemon tea but i still can sleep well at night so what is the reason???? I really don't but what i know is the next day i will feel really tried when working.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Feel damn lazy to update

Really feeling damn lazy to update cos i don't even know what to write lor. Ok la maybe wait and see got any ideal not now is 10.40am thinking what to write........ think......think ......think..... oh i know write about my work.

Newspaper: Now courts is having a "Great Storewide Clear-out Massive discounts sales in every department".

Customer A: Waa... courts got sales le go to courts take a look see got any to buy not?

Customer B: Huh really ar??

Customer A: lets go courts!!

At courts A & B shop around looking for thing to buy...

then they think of buying new telephone for their house.

A & B looking at the phones thinking of what phone to buy.

Promoter: May i help you?

Customer A: Yes i would like to buy a phone.

Promoter: A corded or cordless phone?

Customer B: Maybe a cordless phone.

Customer A: Courts now have storewide sales right?

Promoter: Yes but not all the phones are on sales just the weekly selected item are on sales.

Customer A: Huh then why say great storewide sale in every department?

Customer B: To let people think all on sales so they can earn more money lor.

Promoter: No. In other department all their products are all on sales but phones are different just the selected once are on sales.

Customer A: Oh i see so what is on sales?

Customer B: Really ar?

Promoter: Yes. Every weekend courts will publish the items that are on sales in the newspapers.
Customer B: so every weekend is different things on sales lor?

Promoter: Yes.

Customer A: So how many phones are on sales now?

Promoter: 6 phones, there are also phone that is lower then the usual prices too.

The above talk between customer a, b & promoter is the thing that customer will ask me but some time customer will ask alot more.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wonder Girls - Nobody

I love this song call "Nobody" it is so nice. I found the english lyrics and translation in youtube.

Then i also found the chinese lyrics and translation.

I want nobody nobody But You

I want nobody nobody But You

除了你 我不要其他人任何人

I want nobody nobody nobody nobody









I want nobody nobody But You

I want nobody nobody But You

除了你 我不想要其他任何人

I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

除了你 我不想要其他任何人

I want nobody nobody nobody nobody


只要有你就行 没别的要求







I want nobody nobody But You

I want nobody nobody But You


I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I don't want nobody body.

I don't want nobody body.

如果不是你 如果不是你 我都不要

I want nobody nobody But You

I want nobody nobody But You

除了你 我不想要其他任何人

I want nobody nobody nobody nobody.

Can you believe that the whole world is craze of this song? Just see the video is all around the world lor.